Catching up with the Greater Cleveland Partnership


The Greater Cleveland Partnership (GCP) has been an integral partner in Teaching Cleveland programming. They continue to host our annual Teaching Cleveland Student Challenges (TCSCs) in their offices in Playhouse Square, and they have also hosted past Teaching Cleveland Institutes (TCIs).

Why is the Greater Cleveland Partnership important for our community?
The Greater Cleveland Partnership works with private, civic, and public partners to accelerate growth and prosperity in the Northeast Ohio region. To achieve this, GCP and partners developed an All In plan featuring five priorities that guide the organization’s work toward Greater Cleveland once again becoming a “Great Region on a Great Lake.”

This work is important because all partners are working in unity for the betterment of the region. The power lies in alignment, collaboration and commitment, with each organization directing its distinct capabilities towards collective impact.

What resources do you have to connect educators and/or students with your work?
One of the five priorities of GCP’s All In plan is “Abundant Talent.” The focus here is work-based learning for in-demand jobs — both for today and into the future. GCP works with partners to increase degree and certificate program enrollments and completions in growth sectors and expand internships, apprenticeships and co-ops – and support for participants – through industry-led partnerships with educational institutions and training providers.

GCP also offers High School Tech programs to provide students with opportunities to explore information technology (IT) careers and pathways so they can make purposeful steps towards their future. Our free high school programs are designed to stimulate students’ growing interest and excitement in the IT field and to provide the knowledge, experiences and connections necessary to pursue IT careers in the region. We bring students into direct contact with IT educators and professionals working in the field. Students learn about the availability, advantages and requirements of IT careers, as well as the skills and competencies needed for IT jobs today and in the future.

If you’d like more information about GCP’s All In plan or about our High School Tech programs, please contact Tom Miller ([email protected]).

How can someone learn more or get more involved in your organization?
To learn more about Greater Cleveland Partnership, visit or call 216-621-3300.



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